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Wild Frontier Community Rules & Guidelines



  • Treat everyone within the state and the discord server with respect.

  •  Wild Frontier is an 18+ Server this means you must be over the age of 18 to play here and if we suspect that you have lied on your whitelist application we may request proof of age from you via a form of identification.

  • Here at Wild Frontier we take pride in our RolePlay. Therefore you must play your character seriously at all times and be realistic while in state.

  • Your character name must be appropriate for the year of 1901, A play on word names will not be tolerated.

  • No spam or self-promotion (Server invites or Advertisements) Unless approved by the staff here.

  • Do not link external websites or images that include sexual, racist, violent, disturbing or inappropriate content.

  • Everyone must try their utmost to ensure that every person involved within a scene takes enjoyment from it, we are here to have fun!

  • In scenes that would result in a grey area of the rules it will come down to staff's discretion!

  • Do not spam or message or Players in the server/Discord unless both parties agree.

  • When Joining the Server and Applying for Whitelist Please set your CFX and Discord name to that of your character.

  • For any question or issues you are requested to open the correct ticket. (ie Support Ticket for Support queries & RP Tickets for Roleplay queries.)



Violation of any kind around these rules may result in immediate permanent ban from the community with no exceptions.

  • Exploiting Bugs, Glitches,or Cheating is Not Acceptable.

  • Discrimination or Slurs against someone's race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender, or disabilities is prohibited.

  • Harassment, sexual harassment, sexism, racism, transphobia or hate speech is not Acceptable.

  • Stalking/Creepy behaviour towards member(s) of the community is prohibited.


  • Suicidal roleplay.

    Roleplay bleed.

  •   IC activities that bleed into OOC harassment.


  • OOC feelings that corrupt the RP experience IC.​​

  •  Roleplay Bleed is toxic, it distorts the narrative, breaks the immersion, and ruins the fun.

​           Examples:

  • Emotional Bleed: A player might feel the same emotions their character feels. If the character goes through a traumatic or violent event, the player might feel genuinely sad, upset, or angry with the other player(s).

  • Relationship Bleed: The relationships between characters might affect the real-life relationships between players. For example, two characters who are close friends or lovers in the game might cause the players to feel closer in real life.​




  • Do not publicly express negative opinions due to IC interactions.

  • Corruption of any kind within whitelisted roles is not allowed unless approved by Staff.

  •  After a gun fight or any sort of combat RP, do not antagonise other players in any sort of way.

  •        Good Roleplay requires counterplay, So be professional in every interaction/scene.​

  •        When finishing up a shootout do not stack bodies on top of each other for a photo.

Where this is acceptable to dismember someones head after a scene it is acceptable to a point where you should try to avoid doing it at the end of every scene/gunfight, This can result in very poor Roleplay experiences, Where as blowing of limbs and continually shooting someone's dead body is toxic behaviour and will not be tolerated.


Wild Frontier is an English-speaking server. You must be able to speak a good amount of English to play here. Mute Characters are not allowed (exceptions may be made due to disabilities.)


  • Staff actions on Discord take priority over any in-game matters.

  • When being dealt with by staff i.e. in a ticket or by other means please make sure that you are in a safe place so that it doesn't break anyone's Role-play.

  • When being dealt with by staff do not break character by telling others around you that you are currently talking to staff, Find a reasonable excuse to remove yourself from a scene.

                                                                                              ACTIVE PARTY SIZE (GROUP NUMBERS)

  • When travelling around the map to a PVP or Crime scenario, the maximum group/Gang size is 5 players.

  • Groups focused on criminal activities or PVP are limited to a maximum of 5 players.

  • Refer to the Criminal Rules section below for detailed Information.



                                                                                                      GUNPLAY OVER ROLEPLAY

   Before getting into any sort of Gunfight make sure there is proper initiation prior to it and everyone involved       understands why it is happening.

  • Attacking someone without proper initiation or an interaction prior is classed as RDM.

  • Going on a killing spree against NPC’S (Locals/Strangers) is considered RDM.

  • Attacking someone with a mounted Vehicle (Wagon,Horse,boat etc ) without initiation or prior interaction is VDM.


  • Always try to build or continue a storyline from every scenario and interaction whilst respecting the NLR rule if you have tied or taken a serious injury that required a medic to revive you.


  • KOS Also known as kill on sight is not allowed, always make sure there is good and clear initiation.


  • If you are killed in any sort of Roleplay scenario, You cannot respawn and return to the same location and take action against the people who attacked/killed you.

  • You will have to avoid any form of interaction with the individuals who killed you for  30 minutes while also keeping your distance from the location in which you were killed.


                                                                                                   Rubber/Wax bullets

       You can't shoot at people and say it was rubber or wax bullets there were no such things in 1901.


Arrest Actions

  • No Dropping items while being cuffed or arrested.

  • No Fleeing horse/wagon whilst being arrested.



  • Excessive and disruptive behaviour.

  • Repeat use of the same item, action, or mechanic.

  • Not roleplaying as intended/ Foolish behaviour.


    Unwanted RP

Forcing roleplay scenarios on others without their consent.



  • Deliberately provoking law enforcement for a reaction.

  • Luring police away with fake crimes to kidnap/rob them.

  • Any foolish, goofy, and unrealistic gameplay to be amusing or to draw attention.


Sheriff's Office

  • The following actions are prohibited as they are classified as Not Valuing Life (NVL) and Not Valuing Freedom (NVF):

  • Attacking, antagonising or robbing the law or their vehicles while they are at or in their sheriff's office, this can only be done in cases of good Roleplay, not just in a case that your friend is serving a 10 minute sentence in a local SO, if you do attack a sherrifs office you can expect to have a heavy resistance, law will not have to abide to the 5 person rule (regardless of the attacking group size which still has to be a maximum of 5 people).

  • When attempting to break your friends out of prison transport, you must hit the prison transport while it's in transit, you may not camp at the beginning or end location.


    Unrealistic Clothing

  • Dressing in full bright neon colours that are unrealistic for 1901 is frowned upon.

  • Any neon colours like: pink, green, yellow, etc. are unacceptable.

  • If you are finding that you are asking yourself, is this a good colour? Then it probably isn't. Save yourself being reported!

  • Do not try to ride the grey area with this rule.

  • Policing it is hard enough and it is not taken lightly If you are part of a group doing this and fail to report, you will be flagged for the same discipline.

  • Do your part in this community to make things better and more immersive. Don't be afraid to report!

  • Either tell the player's character that they should change their clothing colour or make a proper report to the Staff Team.



  • Roleplaying outside of your character's traits, Abusing game mechanics.

  • Using means not present in the game to gain an advantage.


Combat Storing

Storing items or assets during combat, Fleeing your horse or despawning/fleeing vehicles to save your assets from being taken.


Third Party Software

We do not allow the use of third party softwares that provides a crosshair.



  • Do not speak out of character (OOC) whilst in the server, this will break other people's immersion and is unacceptable. â€‹

  •     Do not use OOC information that you have learned from stream or by other means to benefit yourself or friends whilst in the server.

  •  Third Party comms like using Discord or other means to be in a call with others whilst in the server.

  • Do not watch live streams from the server while being in the server yourself.


  •  Quitting using the F8 quit while in an active (SCENE/RP SCENARIO)

  • Example: You get into a shootout or are about to be robbed by another player and you have a chance to run behind a building out of sight using the F8 quit command to save yourself is considered combat logging or Relogging after having your head removed in order to have a doctor pick you up.


     If you need to go AFK you must find a safe place for your character, i.e. in a house or somewhere no one            will see you, Being AFK around people will not stop confrontational Roleplay (Being Robbed).

      For example Putting a status of “in head” or “thinking about cake” is not good enough.


  • "Not valuing life" (NVL) refers to a situation where a player's character acts in a way that disregards their own safety or life in scenarios where a real person would typically prioritise survival.

  • Example: if a character is being held at gunpoint and they act aggressively or does not comply with reasonable demands without a valid roleplay reason, they may be considered as not valuing their life. In a real-life situation, most individuals would prioritise their safety and survival, so behaving in a way that blatantly disregards one's life is poor roleplaying.



  • Not valuing freedom (NVF) refers to a situation where a player's character doesn't act in a way that aligns with a genuine desire to maintain or regain their freedom when faced with situations of confinement, capture, or restraint. Just like NVL is a disregard for one's own safety.

  • Example: All characters should value the freedom to live in the frontier states! Characters should take calculated risks before committing crimes or other violent acts against rival gangs for the "fear" of losing their liberty to live as they are and not in jail or confined from the world.



  • If you have a gun pointed at you within close range while you are not holding a gun, you must value your life. If you are outnumbered by others who are armed, and you are not holding a gun, you will need to follow their demands.

  • You may not run at someone with a lasso while they are shooting at you.


       If you hear gunshots or see a crime happening, run to safety or to the Sheriff! Avoid direct involvement                 (this is also considered Powergaming or Vigilantism).


  • Consider the legal outcomes of your in-character actions. Remember, "Choices have consequences.

  • Don't commit a crime if you're unwilling to face the penalties, whether it's paying a fine or serving time.

  • Building a criminal reputation brings significant risks to both your life and freedom. The absence of visible Lawmen doesn't mean they aren't nearby.


  • Once you drop a body, you may not move it again. Dumping bodies in inaccessible areas is not to be done, make sure they are left for the doctors/law to respond.

  • Dumping bodies in any body of water is completely fine.​

  • You may not camp/carry a body longer than 15 minutes without the player's consent, allow them to                     respawn or get the help of a doctor in order to continue their RP.



Town shootings, If there is a town shooting you should run away and leave the area. If it is not possible to flee for safety, hiding in the nearest building is what you should do next. If the violence seems to find its way to you, protecting yourself by fighting back is the last step you should take.

Civilians taking on the Role of a Lawman taking the Law into their own hands is not to be done. And are not to involve themselves in a scene that does not involve them. Exceptions:  If a Sheriff/Higher ranking Lawmen deputises you during an ongoing scene

Currently Strawberry is the only active green-zone, any crime committed in this area will be dealt with by STAFF, However if a crime is committed outside of the green-zone and the Law gets involved you are allowed to flee towards the town and the scene will continue. Committing a crime outside the green-zone and then fleeing to Strawberry to hide is not acceptable.




  1. If you choose to respawn (take the light), you will not remember the events leading to your death.

  2.  However if you have been brought to a Doctor's office in one of the respected towns and you use the NPC doctor there you can remember.​

  3. When you are downed in pvp or have been involved in a hostile scenario you must wait until the scene has ended before calling for a doctor.


Injured State

  • Roleplay Injury appropriately: Roleplay the injuries your character received as required or reasonably portray the medical emergency or injury. Don't alter your injuries just because you're not happy with how doctors are responding in the roleplay.


Unconscious State

  • While unconscious (awaiting respawn), you must remain silent. You won't be able to remember anything you witness or hear during this state.

  • You can only use /calldoctor when you are unconscious or to call for a doctor for a unconscious player.

  • You can't use /calldoctor or /request doctor to lure players into traps.


When picked up by a doctor make sure to RolePlay your injuries correctly and realistically.
After being picked up by a doctor leading from a scene please refrain from re-engaging in any other combat situation for a period of time.



Please wait the specified time of 10 minutes before reviving and wait until a doctor,Lawmen, or civilian to respond.

                                                   Identifying someone by their voice is not acceptable.


  • Typing /me "perma" will result in the permanent death (deletion) of your character.

  • Using terms like "Dead" or "DOA" signals to a doctor that your injuries are fatal, but it does not mandate the permanent deletion of your character (i.e., you will take the light).

  • You should indicate your non-permanent death if your injuries are sufficiently severe, e.g. a fall from height, a shot in the head etc


  • Duel: A fight or contest with firearms to settle a dispute. A duel is not a perma death, however the loser will have to take the light upon being downed.

  • Non-Forced Perma: No other party can force your character to perma with the exceptions listed below.

  • Permanent Death (PK) Agreement: Exceptions to permanent death require a PK agreement with other players.


DOJ Sentencing:

  • If you become a notorious outlaw or face consistent serious crime charges, the Department of Justice (DOJ) may sentence your character to death. A ticket will be opened for discussion with staff before this occurs.


Last will and testament Requirement:

  • You must create a will with a lawyer at least 2 weeks before your perma.

  • Failure to do so will result in the destruction of your money and belongings, without exceptions.

  • Your new character cannot be included in your will. Beneficiaries named in your will cannot transfer funds or assets to your new character. A maximum of $50,000 can be bequeathed in your will.

  • Maximum of 5 unique items in your will.(Guns,custom items)

  • Businesses/properties cannot be left in your will. Upon your death, the business/properties reverts to the government and will be either listed for sale or placed at auction.


Character Amnesia/Relations:

  • You won't know or remember your perma character with your new character.

  • You may not have a character that is related to the perma’d character without staff approval.


Irreversible Action:

  • Once you confirm your character is perma killed, it cannot be reversed.

  • If your character is perma killed, you may not then join back into the same group/gang or rp with them for 1 Month on another character.


Staff directed perma:

Community Managers have the authority to sentence your characters to death to mitigate or quell OOC issues. This is a very rare ordeal and shall be case-by-case only if the need arises.





 Character Separation:

You cannot exchange or share items or money between your characters.


Character Distinctiveness:

Consistently writing your characters in a way that makes them extensions or continuations of previous characters is not allowed.


Alerting Others:

  • In the event of a crash during a hostile, medical, or police scenario, you must make all efforts to inform the other party or staff out of character (OOC).

  • This action is necessary to indicate that you didn't intentionally log out or leave the situation.

Responsibility Upon Return:

  • If you are unable to return immediately, you are still subject to in-game consequences upon your return.

  • Be prepared to turn yourself in or anticipate being apprehended if you are involved in a law-related situation.



Any ERP must be done privately; you cannot do ERP where other players can see.

All ERP’s must have consent from all parties involved.



We do not accept pregnancy RP and it is prohibited.

Roleplaying as a child or infant is strictly prohibited.

We encourage players to stick to the theme of 1901, This means any photos taken or posters made should represent the ERA of 1901 and stick to old fashioned or dirty dishevelled images and old camera print themes.


Law enforcement Rules and Guidelines

Lawmen: We expect a high standard of roleplay for our Law at all times, usually being the main contact for most players in state, You should always stay professional.

Lawmen are subject to the Rule of 5 in any scene/scenario.
Law are not bound to any one area; we have patrols to keep them spread out around states as well as their appointed towns.

Each SO/Sheriff's Office has their appointed Sheriffs that are responsible for along with any Deputies and cadets posted there. They are in charge of keeping and holding high standards and making sure lockers and evidence is stocked and stored correctly.

All law have access to documentation and cases, this is not to be discussed with anyone outside the role of being a Lawmen this is considered corruption and unless discussed with Staff prior to applying for a position in Law will be dealt with and lead to your immediate dismissal from Law enforcement.


Corruption of any kind needs the approval of staff before proceeding, This can be done by opening the correct ticket explaining to staff the intent, How it will benefit your’s and others storyline, Staff will then make a decision on it and letting you know if it has been Accepted or denied.

Corruption in Doctor Role
Doctors may not be corrupt, They may request a corrupt storyline with staff.
Doctors are to not partake in any criminal or illegal activities.

Other Whitelised Jobs
To own or have your own business such as Blacksmith, Gunsmith, Stable owner etc, 1 weeks experience is needed in an active job this means you will need to reach out to anyone who is currently seeking an apprentice to hire you before purchasing your own business.



No crime is to be committed 30 minutes before or 15 minutes after the “storm”( SERVER RESTART)


Comply with the limits given surrounding criminal activities and numbers.


If you suspect any tomfoolery of any kind around the rules given make a ticket!


Staff will intervene when necessary, So continue roleplay any scene until they step in.


Crime Commitment in Towns

After committing a crime in a town, you must leave the area and stay away for a minimum of 30 minutes. Use this time to let the heat die down and find a hideout.


After committing a crime, you should not disconnect from the server for a minimum of 30 minutes allowing law to have an fair chance in catching you, disconnecting prior to this will be considered power gaming, It’s up to you to conduct your RP within your own time limits, “I had to go to bed” isn’t a good reason to leave an active scene.


Chain Robbing

Chain robbing, which involves robbing players, stores, and banks, raids immediately after a previous robbery, is not allowed. Your group must observe a cooldown period of 1 hour.


Alias Requirement

When asked, you are not required to provide your real name, however, if asked for your ID card which every player has you may be held until identification is proven by any means.




You may not force players to do embarrassing or illegal acts; they must give consent to do so.

This means you cannot force players to take off their clothes.


Morbid Roleplay

You cannot engage in detailed acts of torture, dismemberment, cannibalism, or other highly morbid activities without explicit consent from all participants involved.

 Torture roleplay, has to be consented to to by all parties.


Robbery Guidelines

  •  Do not rob players when they are in any interactive menu.

  • You can't rob on duty doctors/law under any circumstances

  • Character, horse, wagon, boat, and house inventories are excluded. 

  •  When Robbing a player you may only take money or items not both.  (Weapons are not to be taken). 

  • If you take a player hostage for a Bank / Store then you can not rob them.

  • You cannot kill a player after robbing or torturing them unless they pull a gun on you.

  • Pocket-wiping players is prohibited. You can only take items specified above.

  • You can't take all food and water from a person, you must leave enough items on them to be able to survive.

  • Wagons/Horses can be robbed if left unattended.


Grave Robberies

  • Grave robberies are limited to a maximum 5


Drug Selling

  • Drug-selling encounters are limited to a maximum 5

  • If 5 of your friends are already selling drugs in one town, please relocate to another location or refrain from selling in that same town.


Bank Robbery

  • Bank robberies are limited to 5 criminals versus 5 lawmen. An additional lawman may be present for negotiation or hostage recovery but cannot engage in combat or chase.

  • After you blow open a bank door, you cannot leave the scene until 10 minutes have passed, or law have arrived on scene and engaged in conversation.


Store Robbery

  • Store robberies involve 5 criminals versus 5 lawmen.

  • Similar to bank robberies, an additional lawman may be present for negotiation or hostage recovery but cannot engage in combat or chase.

  • At any point throughout the job only the people who originally were inside the bank can initiate the shootout. The external can only shoot after someone else has started the shootout.


  • Raids are capped at a group size of 5 participants. Law enforcement can engage if they detect active gunfire during any raid.

  • Law enforcement has the right to engage in a firefight upon scene arrival after gauging if the players involved in the raid are hostile.

Post-Robbery Departure

  1. After robbing a store or bank, you must leave the area and refrain from returning for at least one hour.


  • Hideouts must be placed in accessible areas and within the map borders.

  • Hideouts can't be placed in lockable interiors. You can't place Hideouts on other people's property.

House Robberies

  • House robberies are limited to 5

  • Normal initiation rules apply.

NPC Wagon Robberies
Wagon Robberies are capped at 5 players
This Activity/Robbery is Kill on sight



  • Hostages must be captured organically for criminal jobs.

  • Using a friend as a hostage is fail roleplay and not allowed.

Job Initiation

  • After taking a hostage, you have 15 minutes to start the job you grabbed the hostage for. If you don't begin the job within this time, you must release the player upon their request.

Extended Holding

  • With the consent of the hostage player, you may keep them as a hostage for a longer duration to enhance roleplay storytelling.

Hostage Compliance

  • In any situation, hostages must comply with being held for longer than 15 minutes, or until completion of the scene in a robbery. (Transport and start of the robbery should not take in excess of 15 minutes).


  • If you handcuff or blindfold someone, ensure that you uncuff or unbag the person before leaving them unattended.




Alliances between gangs are not allowed. Upon joining a gang you subject yourself to keeping crime among those in the gang and random civilians outside of the gang, No 2 gangs can aid each other in any way. This also goes for any  groups acting as a cohesive unit they can not call upon them to aid in any sort of gang war or business leading to the demise or robbery of stores, banks, forts, and hideouts.


Gang Member Limit
All gangs are limited to a maximum number of 10 members, this is non-negotiable and failure to follow this rule will result in gangs being disbanded by staff. (This is the case whether a gang has been set up via in-game currency or donation)


All gang members must be listed on your gang hideout. This is your definitive list of members.


Cycling of members for specific scenes/events is not permitted.




Government Declaration

  • Declaring war on the Government is not allowed.

Conflict Resolution

  • Do not continuously harass organisations or other gangs without agreeing to war terms.

  • If you attack the same group over and over within a short span, you must accept war if they propose it.

Staff Intervention

  • Staff may initiate a war between groups with preset terms.

Pre-War Terms

  • Before a war or ongoing conflict begins, both gangs must settle terms.

  • These terms, outlining how the war will end and what is at stake, must be agreed upon by both parties and a staff member.

Presentation to Staff

  • Once terms are agreed upon, both parties must present them to staff via a ticket.

  • Staff should be fully aware of how the war will start and conclude.

Exclusion of Outside Players

  • External players are prohibited from interfering in the war.

Post-War Cooldown

  • After the war concludes, a two-week cooldown period will follow to allow for storyline development.

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